Middle School: Flight and Structural Engineering
HIgh School: Manufacturing Prototype, Flight Endurance, and Structural Design and Engineering
Location: Boardman, Oregon
High school will be attending along with select middle school students.

With seasons changing and activities moving inside - please help students remember to have their gym shoes and clothes ready for class.
A game of handball is not as fun if you're sliding around in socks! 😎

Tickets are still available!
Join us for Dustin's famous prime rib and a dessert auction to support our school and students.
Contact the school office or Janet for your ticket!

What fun! So much appreciation for the staff, community, friends, and family that made the Halloween Carnival a success.
Thank you all - and Happy Halloween!

It's Halloween Carnival Time!
Thank you to our wonderful community volunteers who organize this wonderful event - your time and efforts are much appreciated!

Annual pumpkin carve is a wrap! Great creativity and cooperation Cougars!
Judging tomorrow at the Halloween Carnival 🎃👻🎃

It's spooky season!
To celebrate we are having a Halloween Carnival from 1-3 pm on Thursday Oct 31. The students will be invited to wear their costumes and play games in the gym.
If you are interested in volunteering at the carnival contact the school office.

What's a little competition among friends?
Bragging Rights!
Congratulations Nat! High Skittle count of 105 😎

Loops, drops, and sharp turns - Roller Coasters are nearly complete!
Physics students have been challenged to design and create a roller coaster utilizing their understanding of Newton's Laws of Physics.
Great designs Cougars!

With MS basketball underway and kids spending their evenings in the gym - we ask that parents help them by sending a healthy snack to help tide them over until dinner.
Our basketball athletes have time before or after their practice for homework, a snack, or other constructive activities. During this time they are expected to remain in the gym and well behaved while they wait for their teammates.
The first MS basketball game is November 2nd!

Congratulations to Natilie and Liz for their 2nd place TSA award in Boardgame Design!

Annual Cougar Fundraiser Dinner - November 9th!
Join us for Dustin's famous prime rib and a dessert auction to support our school and students. Proceeds make possible our music program, middle and high school sports, provide the free school supplies for all students and more.
Tickets are available now - contact Janet or the school office!

It takes a village - and we can not be more proud of our village tonight!
100% attendance for our MS and HS conferences!
Thank you parents for being such strong partners in your students education.

Fall School Pictures are ready!
Come pick up your order today at School Conferences!

Did you get signed up?
Fall Conferences are Thursday, Oct 17th from 4-6 pm.
We are excited to see our parents!

For precaution and safety of our staff and students - Ukiah School is currently in a Secure Status due to reports of potential police activity in the area. There are no direct threats towards the school or students at this time.
During Secure Status, the building doors are locked and no visitors are allowed. Students and staff are free to continue normal activities and schedules. We will lift this added level of awareness as soon as we can.
Will be contacting our parents for arrangements to pick up their students at normal end of day times. Parents with concerns are asked to call the school office or contact Supt Orr.

Who is ready to shoot some hoops?
As our fall sports wrap up, the winter season is ready to go - students in grades 6-12 interested in playing basketball need to complete the required documentation on FinalForms before October 15th.
Any questions or to get some help, contact your coach or the school office.

Fall TSA plans are being made and projects created. In October students will compete in game design. Teams are getting really creative with 3D printed pieces, wood shop game boards, and more!

School Picture Day is coming!
Tuesday, September, 24th is fall Picture Day for all students and staff. Information on picture packages will be in students hands and backpacks Monday.

Geometry and Algebra 2 students will be learning to navigate with compass orientation, thanks to the US Forest Service. Orienteering and Geocaching are some of the skills that employees from the Pendleton office will be teaching for two hours on Tuesday, September 17.